News Release
- [MooMoo Paradise] New Year's holiday inbound tourism promotion initiative: Luxury beef tongue and wagyu course on sale
- 【よなよなビアワークス】Xmasテイクアウト販売 国産伊達鶏のローストチキン
- [Obica Mozzarella Bar] Christmas limited course featuring buffalo mozzarella and the finest ingredients
- [Yona Yona Beer Works] Unfiltered Saison debuts "Karuizawa Kogen Beer 2025 Limited Edition" New release
- [Union Square Tokyo] Christmas dinner with fantastic illuminations and live jazz music
- [Yona Yona Beer Works] Limited release of "Baku no Hatsuyume 2025", a beer made with yuzu and Sichuan pepper to brighten up Japan's winters
- [Limited-edition Christmas cake] New York-based modern French restaurant "Jean Georges Tokyo" creates a festive Christmas atmosphere
- [Wonder Table Mall] Limited quantity, 4 luxurious Christmas mail order courses
- 【よなよなビアワークス】人気のクラフトビール飲み放題で、最高の忘年会を!
- 【よなよなビアワークス 恵比寿東口店】恵比寿で乾杯!開業7周年記念イベント開催!
- 【Club Wonder】会員制プログラム誕生のご案内
- 【MO-MO-PARADISE】トリップアドバイザー「トラベラーズチョイスアワード」を受賞