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Food for the soul, food for the heart.

A smile is a universal language of happiness.
A table filled with delicious food and laughter creates unforgettable moments with loved ones. The ability to create and orchestrate these moments is truly special.

    We want「Kashikoi」people

    The initials have the following meanings

    • People who can be grateful
    • Kind people
    • Curious people
    • People who like Food and Drinks

    You can develop your knowledge and skills as much as you want after you join the company. We believe that what is important is your personality and individuality, which cannot be added through training. We call these the "seeds of hospitality. If you like to talk with people and enjoy good food and drinks, let's make the "flower of hospitality" bloom with us.

    Dedication to Brand Development

    Wondertable creates its brand by focusing on "what only our company can do" and "restaurants that are overwhelmingly differentiated from others.For example, there are many steakhouses in the world, but "Peter Luger Steakhouse" is the best in the world for aged steaks. Or Barbacoa, which is not just a churrasco specialty restaurant, but the largest in Japan. We are proud of the fact that none of these businesses would be possible without Wondertable. We do what others cannot do. In this field, we are second to none. That is our brand strategy.

    Get To Know The Company


    Our vision is "Offer unlimited dining experience to broaden and strengthen bonds".
    We believe that food has the power to connect people. Our restaurant is here to create those moments, to be the backdrop for the stories that unfold over a plate of food.



    Learn hard, play hard. That's Wondertable. Once you become a working adult, you rarely have the chance to play team sports. You want to acquire new skills while working, but you don't have the time. That's not true. As professionals, we know that daily practice and refreshing time are important. We never forget to have fun, no matter what.

    • Overseas training
    • Diversity
    • Training
    • Club activities
    • 1 on 1

    Employee interviews


    Kitchen staff

    Yukari Uchida

    Union Square Tokyo

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    Current job

    I am mainly in charge of cold plates, such as cocktails and desserts at Union Square Tokyo.


    As I had a faint longing to be a restaurant chef in my school days, I naturally chose a school for cooks as a career path. I wanted to learn not only confectioneries, which I had been interested in, but also the basics of cooking, so I completed two specialist courses there, and joined Wondertable as a new graduate. When I visited Union Square as a study tour before joining the company, I was overwhelmingly impressed by the dishes and atmosphere, so I wished that I would be assigned here, and I am happy that it has come true.

    What is worth doing the job

    When I was told by senior employees that the time I took to serve dishes was reduced, and I became able to serve plates faster and more beautifully, I really felt delight from the bottom of my heart. After a year of experience, I feel I have increasingly become able to handle guests' various requests more flexibly than before.

    Attraction of working at Wondertable

    I feel that I am surely growing step by step at Wondertable because personal targets on a semiannual basis and daily tasks are clarified. And it is also attractive that I can interact with employees who joined this company the same year or employees working at other restaurants and so I can seek advice from them if I need help with something. In addition, I work closer to guests, so I can make connections with them through this job.


    Hall staff

    Shouya Yamasaki

    Union Square Tokyo

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    Current job

    I am a hall staff member at Union Square Tokyo. I am engaged in the administration of the restaurant from my first year, including not only providing service to guests but also order placement and the training of new employees. Even so, I think that my most important task is to stay in good health so that my colleagues and guests can have a great day!


    I had originally been interested in confectioneries, so I attended a cooking college, just when I worked part-time at a certain shabu-shabu restaurant, which brought me an amazing encounter with my senior colleague, who is my teacher, my sister, and my advisor still now. This encounter made me think that I would like to pursue a servicing job. After my joining the company, it was the happiest emotion when I was assigned to the restaurant I had been the most interested in, and I feel I can learn much from the job.

    What is worth doing the job

    There are still many things I cannot handle well, but I feel I am increasingly able to perform various tasks well step by step, and so I am growing day by day. What I think is worth working here is that I can increase various connections. My primary motivation for working here is that I can meet people that I could not have met unless I had worked here and I can have a lot of fun every day.

    Attraction of working at Wondertable

    Wondertable has various brands. Each of the brands is attractive with unique originality, so it is nice that you can easily find a workplace suitable for you. In addition, many people who talk to you cheerfully are always around you.


    Store manager

    Kazuya Mochizuki


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    Current job

    I am in the position of the store manager of Barbacoa Roppongi now. I am in charge of a wide range of operations of the store from customer management to staff development. There are various tasks for making the store's profit, but my closest attention is focused on the staff's growth because a store where each of the staff can shine would absolutely be prosperous! For the entire brand, I am mainly in charge of a job related to online sales promotion. I think it is a job with a great responsibility for letting many people know of the Barbacoa brand.


    I worked at a Japanese-style pub owned by Wondertable, which gave me an opportunity to know about the company. I have a strong desire to strike out on my own and accomplish a great achievement in the future, and actually I took the bold step for a new challenge once, but I felt keenly that I still lacked experience at that time. I thought I would like to learn the basics of commerce in a large organization first and then the mechanism of business management, so I joined Wondertable once again.

    What is worth doing the job

    I am now in the position of the store manager in the historical brand that has been in business in Japan for 30 years. What I think is the most worthwhile is that I am entrusted with a responsible job of protecting the brand value that has been developed step by step until now and improving it further so that the brand continues to be loved by many people in the future as well. I am making every effort every day, feeling responsibility for spreading the brand to people who do not yet know about it and the difficulty in meeting the expectations of people who already know it. I would not be able to find the fun of being the store manager of a world-famous brand anywhere else.

    Attraction of working at Wondertable

    The most attractive factor of Wondertable is the personnel! There are so many upbeat people with an always positive attitude here, so they inspire me greatly, which makes me feel that I will not be beaten either. In addition, it is also attractive that Wondertable owns the top brands of many countries across the world. The company is running many brands that are loved long, not influenced by trends.


    Customer service staff

    Kim Bogyon

    Obicá Mozzarella Bar

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    Current job

    I am now working as customer service staff in the hall and a time zone supervisor at Obica. I am also in charge of the overall management of the restaurant, including the inventory management, order placement, clerical tasks, and the training of hall staff. I create new training tools and work with trainers to define the direction of training and proceed with it. In addition, I attend Obica's service meeting once every month, striving to improve the service level of the restaurant.


    I joined this company because I was impressed by the company vision at that time, though the vision has changed since last year. Value items were defined in the former vision, and the item of caring about yourself was among them. The corporate value of the restaurant business usually contains many items concerning customers, but I saw items about employees themselves and their families for the first time in the corporate value here. Seeing that, I thought this company would care about its employees, and therefore I applied for it. When I started working here as a successful applicant, I actually felt that the entire company was doing its best for its employees. The said value item is not specified now, but I do not think that there is any change in the warmth of caring about my colleagues and me in Wondertable.

    What is worth doing the job

    What I think is the most worthwhile here is to see new employees growing gradually. Even if each employee has a unique personality and character and so differs in growth rate, I feel uplifted when I see them trying their best to master what I say. The moment when I see new employees becoming able to do their jobs by themselves after mutual efforts makes me feel the greatest worth and the happiest.

    Attraction of working at Wondertable

    I think one of attractive points in working at Wondertable may be that you become able to understand yourself. Wondertable owns many brands, and many staff members with unique characters are working there. As you meet various people and experience a lot working at the company, you will be able to find yourself and experience your own growth. I think this company may be very good for those who want to know who they are in a vigorous environment.


    Hall staff

    Noreau Lilian

    Yona Yona Beer Works

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    Current job

    I am working at Yona Yona Beer Works as a hall staff member now. As I am still new to the company, I am learning about beer while honing my service skills.


    I like beer, and I wanted to know various things about craft beer in Japan just when I found Wondertable running Yona Yona Beer Works. As this company also runs many other specialty restaurants, I thought I would be able to expand my knowledge.

    What is worth doing the job

    The world of Japanese craft beer is profound; there are many kinds, and so it is worth learning. The atmosphere of the workplace is also very good. People here talk to me casually even I am a new member, so I can always have a good time in working here.

    Attraction of working at Wondertable

    I think Wondertable is a responsible company that cares about staff development. This company owns a lot of brands, so you will have many opportunities to work at various locations.


    Cooking Staff

    Aoba Urano

    Yona Yona Beer Works

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    Current job

    I am in charge of cooking at Yona Yona Beer Works. I am engaged in not only preparation and cooking but also developing and updating the recipe for the newly introduced education system. In the kitchen, I fillet a whole chicken in order to prepare roast chicken, which is the most popular dish. All vegetables are delivered fresh. I am allowed to prepare all the ingredients for all the dishes offered in this restaurant, so I feel I am working just like a chef.


    I wanted to cook in an environment where I could be closer to guests, and that is when I came across Wondertable. Because there is no barrier between the kitchen and the hall, the staff can directly see that guests smile with our dishes and services, which is ideal for me as an ideal workplace. This environment made me decide to work at Wondertable.

    What is worth doing the job

    I feel this job is worthwhile when I see guests begin to smile with our dishes and services. The warm words of guests saying, "I came back to eat this dish," give me more energy than anything else.

    Attraction of working at Wondertable

    My colleagues are the most attractive. The head chef and the store manager recognize my efforts. They not only praise me but also give guidance as to my mistakes and areas for improvement properly. Other staff members have various backgrounds, by which I am greatly inspired almost every day.

    Flow of the day


    Yona Yona Beer Works
    Ebisu East Exit

    Akari Tomono

    Joined in 2021

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    Reason for joining the company

    I decided to join the company because I was attracted to the staff of the Human Resources Development Group, where I was in charge of recruitment, and the staff at the stores, who were genuinely interested in each student.


    Currently in my third year with the company, I work as a hall staff at Yona Yona Beer Works Ebisu East Exit. As the leader of the service team, I am working hard to improve the service capabilities of the brand, as well as the day-to-day work of the person in charge of the time zone, order management, and the brand.


    Go to the office

    I will check my email first. After that, we organize the reservation information and do the opening work.


    Morning meeting & opening of business

    I'll do my best again today! After having a morning assembly with all members going to work, we will open the shop.



    We have a delicious and delicious meal made by the kitchen staff!


    Store meeting & dinner business

    We will have a meeting with the members who are going to work for the day's business. We will share recommended products and positions, etc., and aim for maximum profit and satisfaction!


    Leaving office

    All the work members will leave the shop! Thank you for your hard work today!


    Union Square Tokyo

    Eien Miyahira

    Joined in 2022

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    Reason for joining the company

    While I was invited by a friend to have dinner at Wonder Table several times, I was impressed by the way the staff served customers with a smile, their polite language, and each and every gesture. . A friend from my vocational school days got a job.


    I joined the company in 2022, and as a cooking regular, I am mainly in charge of appetizers and pasta. In addition, I am in charge of menu development, ordering and receiving operations, and inspection operations.


    Go to the office

    First, check the reservation for the day and confirm any special instructions. After that, we will carry out receiving work and inspection work. As soon as it's over, we'll start preparing the morning for lunch time from 11:00!


    Store meeting

    All the hall staff and kitchen staff will have a meeting before opening. It is a very important time to reduce troubles by reconfirming the reservation status, busy times, and customer's special notes with everyone.



    There is no turn system, and all the kitchen staff make delicious meals! Meals are buffet-style, and you can eat 7 to 10 kinds of rice as you like. The meal made by experienced seniors is not only very delicious, but there are many things to learn in the meal, so it's a fun time every day!


    Dinner business

    Clean the kitchen again to serve delicious food to your customers. Also, reconfirm the customers who have special instructions. In order for our customers to have the best time, we will carefully serve each dish.


    Leaving office

    When dinner time is over, we clean the kitchen once again to show our gratitude. I prepare for the next day's work and take over the job, and then leave the office after completing the maintenance work. I listen to my favorite songs on my favorite headphones and go home while reflecting on the day's work!


    Momo Paradise
    Shinjuku East Exit Manager

    Yuki Ishikawa

    Joined in 2008

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    Reason for joining the company

    I was originally working part-time, but I sympathized with the corporate philosophy and decided to join the company as a full-time employee.


    Currently in my 15th year with the company, I am the manager of the Momo Paradise Shinjuku East Exit store. In addition to store management, we also conduct customer service, staff training, promotion and cost management in order to improve brand value.


    Go to the office

    Check emails during travel time before going to work. After coming to work, first of all, I patrol the store, check the hygiene situation in the store, and check the management status of ingredients and refrigerators. Next, we check the list of staff who will be working and the reservation status, make a business forecast for the day, and if the priority is high, notify all the staff who are working.


    Lunch Service

    If the lunch business has started and there is room in the staff situation, I will proceed with my task. If you don't have enough personnel, I will help you with sales. What I am conscious of when dealing with customers is to have a conversation so that they will become fans of the store.



    Lunch hours are over and it's time for a break and refreshment. Once the food is covered, we will make another forecast for the dinner business. Based on the reservation information, we summarize the position allocation and roles of the workers.


    Dinner business

    Hold a pre-sales meeting. Confirmation of reservation information, precautions for sales, and for new staff, setting and communicating goals for the day. During the dinner business, do you have customers who come to the store enjoy while checking that there is no unreasonableness, waste, or unevenness with the staff? While greeting our customers, we check their satisfaction.


    Leaving office

    After business hours are over, we review the day and share information with those who will be working the next day. The time for leaving work is decided based on the monthly working hours, and there may be times when you finish work after lunch or only work during dinner time.

    Career plan


    Obika Mozzarella Bar
    Roppongi Hills Manager

    Hironori Tanaka

    Joined in 2018

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    Joined as a part-time job at the age of 20. After working as a hall regular for 3 years while being in charge of bartending and cooking, joined as a full-time employee. After that, his efforts to improve his bar brand expertise and customer service skills paid off, and he was appointed manager of YONA YONA BEER GARDEN in just two years. Utilizing the knowledge and experience cultivated in the same brand, he contributes to staff guidance and store management as a service leader. Currently, he has moved to Obika Mozzarella Bar and is the manager of the Roppongi Hills store. In the future, I would like to be involved in the development of "people" as a manager of the Human Resources Development Office.

    Career plan

    20 years old Joined Wonder Table as a part-time job.
    Started working as a hall regular at Radio Hall Higashi Ikebukuro while working as a bartender and cook.
    23 years old Joined Wonder Table as a full-time employee.
    Assigned to Tsuki no Usagi Minami Aoyama store.
    25 years old Became manager of YONA YONA BEER GARDEN.
    30 years old Became manager of Yona Yona Beer Works Ebisu East Exit.
    Utilizing the knowledge and experience of the Yona Yona brand, she serves as a service leader.

    Life plan

    20 years old Aiming to become a teacher, he spends his days fulfilling with his studies and part-time job.
    23 years old Decided to go into food.
    25 years old I did my best in my work and achieved my goal of stepping up to a manager (supervisory position).
    30 years old Marriage.
    Struggling to balance work and childcare.


    Manager, Product Support Group
    Sales Support Department

    Seiai Shimokawa

    Joined in 2018

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    During my three years in high school, I acquired knowledge and skills related to food. Joined Wonder Table to put what he learned into practice. The recipe I devised in the second year was adopted for the first time on the menu. Furthermore, two years later, we were awarded the "Best Cooking Employee Award" as an in-house commendation for our thorough approach to hygiene inspections. Currently, I am in charge of support for purchasing and cooking in the product support group at the head office. My dream is to support the establishment of stronger relationships between shops and producers, and to provide products that make our customers feel the happiest.

    Career plan

    18 years old Joined Wonder Table.
    Started working as a cooking regular at Yona Yona Beer Works.
    20 years old While tough business continues due to Corona, the collaboration menu of “Artist x Bokukun Beer” was devised and adopted!
    21 years old Transferred to Obika Mozzarella Bar.
    His daily efforts are recognized and he becomes a chief.
    22 years old Received the Best Cooking Employee Award.
    23 years old Transferred to product support group.
    As a bridge that connects stores with producers and business partners, we are working hard every day!

    Life plan

    18 years old Graduated from high school.


    Toranomon Hills Head Chef

    Masakazu Kaneda

    Joined as a part-time employee in 2002, hired as a full-time employee in 2006

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    Joined the company as a part-time worker at the age of 25, and after two years of experience, joined the company as a full-time employee. Over the course of 10 years, I have gained experience with various brands such as Vento, Union Square Tokyo and Terre de Truffle Tokyo. After mastering advanced meat cooking techniques, he became head chef of Barbacoa brand Marunouchi store. In the same year, he was selected as an in-house commendation, “Wonder Table Forum “K1 Grand Prix” Finalist”. Currently, he is the head chef of Barbacoa Classico Marunouchi and Toranomon Hills. As Barbacoa's kitchen leader, I feel it is my mission to convey the appeal of Brazilian cuisine.

    Career plan

    25 years old Part-time job at Wonder Table and joined the company.
    Started working as a cooking regular at Sumika Ginza store.
    29 years old Joined Wondertable as a full-time employee.
    Assigned to Lawry's The Prime Rib Akasaka.
    39 years old After gaining experience as a cooking employee at various brands such as Vento, Union Square, and Tailed Truffles, he became a chief.
    40 years old Transferred to the Barbacoa brand, worked as the head chef of the Barbacoa Shibuya store, and became the head chef of the Marunouchi store. Became a finalist for the Wonder Table Forum “K1 Grand Prix”. (*K1 = kitchen staff No.1)
    43 years old Barbacoa Classico Marunouchi store, Toranomon Hills store, became the head chef of two stores, and served as the kitchen leader of the Barbacoa brand.

    Life plan

    25 years old Changed jobs from the Japanese food industry. start a new challenge.
    29 years old Marriage.
    39 years old Reformed into a two-family house.
    40 years old Completed a full marathon.
    43 years old Interested in SDGs.