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【WONDERTABLE MALL】新発売 よなよなビアワークス “ビールに合う大人のBBQ商品”

[WONDERTABLE MALL] New release Yona Yona Beer Works “BBQ products for adults that go well with beer”

At Wonder Table Mall, we are holding a summer BBQ feature so that you can enjoy the outdoors this summer.

This special feature is scheduled to be the 3rd, and the 1st will sell popular products at attractive prices.

In this second installment, four new BBQ products will be released from Yona Yona Beer Works, the official beer restaurant of Yona Yona Ale.

Spicy shorthorn beef lasagna Gorgonzola Macken cheese Cheddar cheese Macken cheese Baked oyster with salt koji

All of them have a characteristic aroma, and the salty taste is moderately effective, so they go well with beer.

We also sell a voluminous BBQ set with popular craft sausages.

It is a product that seems to be useful for outdoor activities and home parties in the summer.

Summer BBQ feature
Until August 16th (Wednesday)

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